Announcement of the Grant of a waiver of the application of the Singapore Code on Take-overs and Mergers (the "Take-over Code") for the Series B3 Fundraising Round (Series B3 Fundraising)

To the Attention of the
Shareholders, Convertible Bond Holders and Potential Investors:

The company is pleased to announce that the Securities Industry Council ("SIC") of the Monetary Authority of Singapore has on 13 December 2024 granted a waiver of the application of the Singapore Code on Take-overs and Mergers (the "Take-over Code") for the Series B3 Fundraising Round (Series B3 Fundraising) led by SG Bio Polymer Pte Ltd which the shareholders have approved in the Extraordinary General Meetings held on 14 November 2024. The waiver to the Company has been published on the list of Companies for which a waiver has been granted on the website of SIC Securities Industry Council.

To the Attention of the
Potential Investors of the Series B3 Fundraising:

Before you consider your investments in the Company, no matter via the Series B3 Subscription Agreement and/or other investment instruments, please consider that the Series B3 Fundraising is not subject to the Take-over Code and the implications arising from the waiver of the Code. If you have any questions on the waiver, please seek the advice from your financial advisors

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